Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Wed, Sep 10 2014 5:00 PM

This special workshop offers a brief introduction to each of the most prevalent computer music programming languages: Max, Supercollider, ChucK and PureData.

Lighting presentations will demonstrate the basics, plus a handful of cool tricks, tailored to beginners or users of other languages. These intros will be followed by open discussion, and an open hack session for participants to actively work on their patches and compositions alongside each other.

Our guest presenters:
Bruno Ruviaro, composer and Asst. Professor at Santa Clara University
Aram Shelton, composer/performer and Video and Audio Editor
Ge Wang, co-founder of Smule, Asst. Professor at Stanford’s CCRMA, developer of ChucK
Richard Warp, composer and sound designer
Jonathan Wilkes, composer/programmer and developer of PureData
and via Skype, David Reeder, media arts software developer

Bring your laptop and join us for an open learning environment focused at the nexus of creative coding and creative music.

Cost: Free!
Audio samples in which musicians at this event play: