Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Tue, Nov 11 2014 8:00 PM

Hotel Utah
500 Fourth Street @Bryant SF
Click for Venue page

Effortless Good Looks / Perfect Loss / Baddest Beams

EFFORTLESS GOOD LOOKS is a San Francisco-based rock band, with members from France, Poland and the US. Driven by propulsive rhythms and large guitar textures, the core sound is post-rock, but with ample room to indulge whims that span electro, shoegaze, surf and funk. As the name implies, the result is casual, compelling and mostly shameless.

PERFECT LOSS formed in Oakland, CA in December of 2013. This is Deathrock in love with Dreampop. This is longing breaking up with itself and the music one writes to survive it. This is Beauty as Killer, for right or for wrong. And the wreckage that follows, formed into song. Good luck to you all.

BADDEST BEAMS play music influenced by the likes of The Beach Boys, Burt Bacharach, David Bowie, Weezer, Ted Leo, Silver Jews, and Joan of Arc, just to name a few.