Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Sun, Jun 14 2015 2:00 PM

The Nunnery
3016 25th. St SF
Click for Venue page

Bill Wesley and Jonathan Glasier - Maximum Micro @ The Nunnery

3:00 Bill Wesley and Jonathan Glasier will be playing Array Instruments (TM).
These musical instruments, created by Bill Wesley, are based upon Pythagorean ideas and Bosanquet generalized keyboard arrays. There will be duets with Array Mbiras, Array Midi Controller, and Array Guitar. Bill and Jonathan will also be using array notion as a compositional jumping off point. (see Array

Instrument maker Bill Wesley and has created ten Array Instruments. He has been performing for over 30 years and has sold instruments to Ry Cooder, Pharaoh Sanders,Sting, and Imogen Heep among others.

Jonathan Glasier graduated from UC San Diego, where he was an assistant to Harry Partch. In the 70's he co-founded the ID (Improvisation Development)group with Tom Nunn. He uilt the Pentaphone for the Exploratorium in 1985, and since 1987 has been the owner /director of the Sonic Arts Gallery (2961 Beech Street San Diego, CA 92102).

2:00 BQ (Brother’s Quarrel) - David Samas, invented instruments and Ian Saxton, extended percussion will play a suite of short works largely composed around beating and interference patterns produced by special tunings based on the the work of Harry Partch and Ivor Darreg, through original music applications coded by Ian Saxton and microtonal instruments. Tom Nunn will guest.

David Samas is a composer, cosmologist, poet, painter, performer, philosopher, farmer and father of 4. He has a BFA from the SF Art Institute in conceptual art and studied poetics at the New College of California.

Ian Saxton is an experimental percussionist and theatrical activist with a background in computer music and a deep passion for complex polyrhythms. He was the founding drummer for Cash Pony and long time percussionist for Sun Hop Fat.