Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Sun, Jun 21 2015 3:00 PM

Musicians Union Hall, Local 6
116 9th St, San Francisco, CA 94103

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ArtsEarth presents Afternoon / the concert series once-a-month featuring the best in music from the San Francisco Bay Area and internationally.

"diG your music. Eclectic ain't the word. Film noir multiverse ethnic blade runner desert world. Love it!"
- Nivek Ogre, ohGr/Skinny Puppy

"David Leikam and zBug split our minds open."
- Benjamin Ethan Tinker, composer-performer

David Leikam - moog rogue, electric bass-cello, piano
• Sheila Bosco - drums, keyboards
• Sean Price - modular synthesizer, beats

zBug is the premiere industrial jazz unit that presents structured improvisational compositional music sets, based on architecture.

Cost: $5-$15 Suggested Donation
Audio samples in which musicians at this event play: