Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Tue, Mar 1 2016 5:00 PM

CCRMA The Knoll 660 Lomita Dr. Stanford, CA 94305
Click for Venue page

John Bischoff will present a prepared slideshow outlining his musical history and approach to electronic music, followed by a discussion of recent pieces, both solo and for computer network band. At the conclusion of his talk, he will perform a set of solo works that incorporate a custom analog circuit of his own design. As he activates the circuit, the resulting sounds are analyzed in real-time and used to inform an extended computer-synthesis response. A binding together of the analog and digital realms is the result, the unique characteristics of each medium crossbred and counterpoised in time to form a hybrid sensibility. Works include Circuit Combine, Visibility Study, and Surface Effect.

Cost: FREE