Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Mon, Sep 19 2016 8:00 PM

SPILL – Timbre and Motion Studies

SPILL is a long standing duo that operates in improvised music contexts, drawing specifically on the interrelationship of materials and timbres shared within their instrumental palate. Utilising elements of noise, resonance, percussive and sustained tonal colours, timbre, rhythm and spectral sound as structural elements, they employ extended instrumental techniques to explore shared musical vocabulary and sonority, which they have been working for over 10 years.

“..continuously and seamlessly intertwined…Buck and Mayas were completely wrapped up inside each other’s sonics.” Andrew Choate, facsimilemagazine.

“… I imagined at one point that I was hearing the everyday sounds of a small town, notated and reproduced in musical form…” Realtime Magazine