Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Sun, Oct 21 2018 7:30 PM

Doors That Only Open in Silence (open participation, non-hierarchical workshop in free improvisation)


The monthly series of improvisation research at Temescal Arts Center continues. Bring your instrument or come to listen. No advance notice needed — just show up. Small groups will be randomly assembled from submitted names immediately before each group plays. We try to keep transition time between groups at a minimum. Over by 10pm. It's free. If you want to contribute, bring snacks and drinks.

videos from past editions:

7:30 PM (over by 10 PM, see schedule below)
TAC: Temescal Art Center
511 48th Street, Oakland

7:30 - Load-in, large group session concludes, everyone sets up simultaneously.
8:00 - Random trios (or other small groups), about 7 minutes each depending on number of participants.
9:00 - Second round of random trios.
10:00 - Sound must stop.

Anyone requiring amplification should bring a small amp. It’s recommended to bring an extension cable and power strip if you need power. Outlets and supplies are limited.

Cost: FREE
Videos featuring musicians playing at this event
Jacob Felix Heule, Clarke Robinson, Matt Ingalls