Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Tue, Nov 30 2010 7:00 PM

El Rio
3158 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA
Click for Venue page

Bonk in the Night

1. Grex
Karl A.D. Evangelista: guitar, vox, etc.
M. Rei Scampavia: keys, winds, vox, etc.

Grex (greks) n. 1. a multicellular aggregate of the groups Acrasiomycota or Dictyosteliida, formed for the purposes of travel and food collection. 2. a Bay Area creative music partnership composed of Karl A.D. Evangelista and Margaret Rei Scampavia.

Grex (the band) was formed in and around the Mills College music axis, late night inside jokes, and intense dissections of South African music, emphasizing genre bending, cross-idiomatic conceits and melding elements of mostly everything (Evangelista has a background in free jazz and Scampavia is a biologist) into something stark and eldritch.

2. Efft
Sarah Palmer: vocals, words, melodies, guitar
Jordan Glenn: drum set and percussion
Noah Phillips: guitars and electronics

in the evening across city blocks drawing chalk towards song-light
drawing conclusive sun down over our brows
hymnal throwing hymnal
skipping lines skipping
a perfect circle our tails

Cost: Donation