Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Amy X Neuburg
composer/performer, voice and electronics, chamber works
Amy X Neuburg has been creating her own brand of irreverently genre-crossing works for voice, electronics and chamber ensembles for nearly 30 years. An early innovator in the use of digital live looping technology, she has performed her solo ‘avant-cabaret’ songs at diverse venues around the world, including the Other Minds and Bang on a Can new music festivals, the Berlin Poetry Festival, the Wellington and Christchurch jazz festivals in New Zealand, and the Warsaw Philharmonic concert hall. As composer she has written for the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra, the Paul Dresher Ensemble, Del Sol String Quartet, Pacific Mozart Ensemble chorus, her cello group The Cello ChiXtet, and many other vocal and chamber groups. As vocalist she toured and recorded with Robert Ashley’s operas and has premiered numerous works by contemporary composers. Amy studied voice and linguistics at Oberlin College and Conservatory, and electronic music at Mills College. Grants and honors include the Gerbode Foundation, Arts International, and the Alpert/Ucross prize.

Amy also loves to improvise with her many gadgets and toy instruments, collaborate, dance, write and be written for, and really do kinda just about anything.
CDs on which Amy X Neuburg appears:
Amanda Chaudhary Meow Meow Band
Artist: Amanda Chaudhary
Title: Meow Meow Band
Label: CatSynth Records ACHS6174
Label page on this site: CatSynth Records
CatSynth Records ACHS6174