Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Amma Ateria
AMMA ATERIA is an electro-acoustic composer, improviser + sound artist born in Hong Kong, based in California. Her practice in sound exposes her body’s visceral resonance in polar opposites, examining the boundaries and brinks of breakage in the sonic spectrum via saturated transitions of stark polarities. With memories of condensed cities, she gravitates to sounds of close-ranged airplanes, inaudible conversations, out of body experiences, sustained harmonics intersected with musique concrète, and distorted speech/lost voice as melodic element.
Upcoming Events:

Saturday, September 28 2024 8:00 PM
Brava Theater Center [2781 24th Street San Francisco]
Other Minds Festival

A bevy of composers will convene for the 28th Other Minds Festival, an international annual showcase for composers held at San Francisco’s Brava Theater September 25–28, 2024. Concerts on all nights start at 8:00 pm. Nights 1, 3, and 4 will feature panel discussions with the composers at 7:00 pm. Night 2 includes a workshop with Trimpin at 6:00 pm.

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