Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Kumi Maxson
bass (upright and electric)
Kumi Maxson is a bassist focusing on experimental improvisation-based performance. Drawing from their lived experiences, they utilize improvisation to explore pathways to a liberated sense of being. While often situated on the fringe of music, their artistic practice is grounded in connection – drawing people into the meaning-making process of performance. Class-conscious examination of the function of popular and avant-garde music in society informs their work and drives the creation of sonic space where imaginations of resistance and restructuring can thrive.
Upcoming Events:

Thursday, October 3 2024 7:00 PM
Shapeshifters Cinema [567 5th St. Oakland]
Do-Over Music Series @ Shapeshifters Cinema
Two sets featuring one-of-a-kind music, experimental films and great beer!  More...