Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Spirit's thirty year career as a percussionist spans from New York to Berkeley, working with with Julius Hemphill, Alan Shorter and the late bassist Jay Oliver in New York; and Butch and Wilbur Morris, Idris Ackamoor, Rasul Siddik, Prince Lasha, Oluyemi Thomas in the Bay Area.
Upcoming Events:

Thursday, September 26 2024 7:30 PM
Center for New Music [55 Taylor St SF]
A night of extremes: Joining us from Athens, Greece, sound artist ILIOS returns to the Bay Area after 20 years to reunite with R. Jencks and Michael Gendreau in an onslaught of subsonic frequencies, noise, and astounding vibrations.  More...
CDs on which Spirit appears:
Spirit Preface to God
Artist: Spirit
Title: Preface to God
Label: Edgetone Records 4010
Label page on this site: Edgetone Records
Edgetone Records 4010