Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist Rudis/Custodio/Diaz-Infante
Title CRR Live
Label Pax Recordings - PR90268 -
Released On 10/12/2007
Listen and/or Purchase Listen and/or Purchase Here

Lx Rudis: DJ rig, Two copies of "Crashing The Russian Renaissance" (CRR).
Andre Custodio: Nord Modular Synthesizer, Microphone, Darbuka, Voice.
Ernesto Diaz-Infante: Amplified Acoustic Steelstring Guitar (extended technique).

From Sonoloco Records Reviews:

Pax was one of the first record companies that Sonoloco really took to heart, but it’s been long time new review now, so it feels special to take that good close reviewing look at a Pax recording again: CCR Live – which is short for Crashing The Russian Renaissance Live, hinting at an earlier recording entitled… Crashing The Russian Renaissance!

To sum it up, this is not a CD you can make sure statements about. A lot is happening, and how you hear it will depend on your place in life, the way your illusion is in your face, and how you feel when you lay back and rest and let gravity get the better part of you.

I enjoy hearing CRR Live, much the same way I enjoy – cageously! – the fuming truck-whining of an active gravel pit or the sea gulls rising like unselfish thoughts over the Baltic Sea just off of the SSAB steelworks…