Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist Normal (Fred Frith & Sudhu Tewari)
Title Moving Parts
Label fo’c’sle - FCSL-007 -
Released On 6/2/2023
Listen and/or Purchase Listen and/or Purchase Here

Moving Parts
Normal (Fred Frith & Sudhu Tewari)

Moving Parts is a collection of vibrant improvisations by Normal, the duo of Fred Frith and Sudhu Tewari, playing manually and electronically manipulated home-made instruments. The duo formed in 2002 when Tewari sparked a revitalization of Frith’s early 80s explorations in self-made “planks of wood with strings”. Approaching instrument making not as beautifully crafted art objects requiring virtuosic techniques, but rather as crude de-constructions patched together using the simplest of means and requiring only minimal exertion to produce sound, the duo turns the smallest spring into a potential orchestra, the bluntest needle into a sharp response. As with any music, what is really going on is intense listening, tricks of memory, and the joy of discovery.