Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Muteant Sounds

MuteAnt Sounds (netlabel) is in our 10TH!!!! year of distributing, sharing, posting and releasing the world’s finest experimental, noise, free jazz, no-fi ambient space jazz free form sound ever recorded.

Started as a tape trading label in the 90's, website in the 2000's, Full blown netlabel in the 2010's.
Ernesto Diaz-Infante, Marcio Gibson and Michel Kristof Puzzle 
Artist: Ernesto Diaz-Infante, Marcio Gibson and Michel Kristof
Audio Samples
digital release
Ezra Sturm & Ernesto Diaz-Infante The Escape 
Artist: Ezra Sturm & Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Ezra Sturm
Audio Samples
digital release
Ezra Sturm & Ernesto Diaz-Infante Live at The Luggage Store Gallery 
Artist: Ezra Sturm & Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Audio Samples
digital release
Ezra Sturm & Ernesto Diaz-Infante Live at Day of Noise 
Artist: Ezra Sturm & Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Audio Samples
digital release