Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Shapeshifters Cinema
567 5th St.
Oakland CA   

Shapeshifters Cinema is an experimental microcinema located in Oakland, CA. Our mission is to provide a venue and support for contemporary artists working with experimental and artist-made film, video, sound, music and other types of mediated performance. We host regular, live events, we offer workshops on experimental moving image and sound production, and we operate a storefront shop specializing in print publications, sound recordings and other artist-made media.

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, October 3 2024 7:00 PM
Do-Over Music Series @ Shapeshifters Cinema
Thursday October 3, 7pm
$10 Cover

Set 1: 7pm
Kumi Maxson- double bass & Matias Arizmendi- electric guitar
deep music from two young devoted improvisors

Set 2: 8pm
Improvised music and film with:
the above players plus
Karl Evangelista- electric guitar, Jordan Glenn- drums and area stalwart Ben Goldberg- clarinet.
With fun films and quirky found footage screened by our Shapeshifters hosts.
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