Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Fri, Jun 3 2016 8:00 PM

Lau Nau with Dire Wolves and Paul Clipson

Laura Naukkarinen, (born 1980) is a singer-songwriter and musician from Helsinki. She is also a member of free improv and psych folk bands Kiila, Päivänsäde, the Anaksimandros, Avarus, Maailma, and the trio Hertta Lussu Ässä formed by fellow acid folk singer-songwriters Islaja and Kuupuu. Her sound has been likened to the cooing of doves. She's credited as playing anything from "colorful juice glasses" and "witch laugh megaphone" to "beer cans". This will be Lau Nau's first San Francisco show in 6 years - she will be joined onstage by members of Dire Wolves who will also open the show. Both sets will feature live film work from Paul Clipson.

7:30pm Doors / 8pm Music
$15 General Admission / Free for Members of The Lab
Reserve Seats Here