Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Fri, Oct 11 2019 6:00 PM

October 11, 6–9pm: Performance of Berlin Wall Scored for Sound (1980-88), interpreted and realized as an instrumental version for the Del Sol Quartet by Arnold Dreyblatt and activation of Circulation: Site Pendulum from the Labyrinth Series (1970) by Ron Meyers. Free!

October 11–November 10, 2019; Fri–Sat 7–9pm, Sun noon–6pm, or email for appointment

Terry Fox (1943-2008), a native of Seattle, was a first-generation Conceptual artist who from 1963-1978 lived off and on in San Francisco, punctuated by extended stays in Europe, where he subsequently made his home. He was a core member of the artists, including Howard Fried, David Ireland, Paul Kos, Tom Marioni, Linda Montano, Bonnie Sherk, and others centered around Marioni’s Museum of Conceptual Art. Like their peers internationally, these young artists developed the new genres of body art, performance, installation, video, and sound.

Fox once said that “even to enter the door is to puncture the space.” When he prepared for a performance, he spoke of affecting the energy of the room, transforming both him and the room into another state of being. The exhibition at The Lab, titled A Resonating Chamber, will focus on Fox’s videos, sound works, and performance documentation, highlighting the subversive resonance of attunement and perception.

This roving exhibition will celebrate and reinvigorate the spirit of Fox’s works in multiple spaces around the Bay Area, including The Lab, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, Grace Cathedral, the University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, 871 Fine Arts, Cushion Works, and the libraries of the San Francisco Art Institute and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Curated by Dena Beard and Constance Lewallen.