Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Sun, Jan 26 2020 6:00 PM

Uptown Nightclub
1928 Telegraph Ave Oakland
Click for Venue page

Spencer Owen Timeshare (finale)/Van Allen Belt/Grex/Full Indian

The UPTOWN, Oakland, CA / 6-10pm / $10 / 21+

Identities & music:
Spencer Owen Timeshare - the final show from the Bay's nerviest sophistipop stalwarts

The Van Allen Belt - impossible to categorize, luscious to listen to ― not your typical trippy, psychedelic music ― traveling from Pittsburgh, PA

Grex - 10+ years of exploring the meeting point between fun, delightfully strange art rock and the dark outer reaches of noise and free jazz

Full Indian - the ongoing solo project of visual artist and St Tropez bandleader, Sanjay Vora