Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Sat, Sep 30 2023 7:00 PM


S3ljam is a 2-night performance and convening that formally presents a compilation of 6 scores collectively developed in workshops between December 4, 2022, to January 15, 2023, as part of Sunday Sessions X MAJLES, during Sholeh Asgary's residency at Berkeley Art Center. Sunday Sessions built upon, and at times, broke down, MAJLES, a program that situates the body as a site of knowledge, enacting movement and voice from and within the physical place they occupy to explore complex relationships to space, place, and one another. "Majles" is an Arabic and Persian term that translates to council. In this context, it refers to a creative contract as a form of decentralized governance. The weekly 3-hour Sunday Sessions sought to build collaborative and cross-cultural processes of score writing within a non-hierarchical framework. Each composition connects specific types of movement work (including strikes, protests, home, collectivity, and rest) to the collective build and physical space within which the score is developed and eventually performed through sound, movement, silence, text, and image.

For this special occasion at The Lab, S3ljam invites new and previous participants to formally and publicly perform these six collectively developed scores for the first time. In addition, there will be a limited edition gift. Ultimately, S3ljam proposes a creative sonic governance that is decentralized, asking how listening can reveal how we understand, relate, and world-build.

September 30:

Roco Cordova
Kevin CK Lo
Gabby Wen
Michael Mersereau
Donia Jarrar

October 1:

Dena Al-Adeeb
Jorge Bachmann
Adrian Montufar
Ven Voisey
Leila Abdul-Rauf