Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Mon, Sep 30 2024 8:00 PM

1750 Arch Street Berkeley
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Pamela Z, Danishta Rivero, and Anthony Green at CNMAT

Composer/Performers Pamela Z (San Francisco), Danishta Rivero (Oakland), and Anthony R. Green (Brighton, UK) will perform an evening of works for voices, electronics, and piano. at Center for New Music and Audio Technologies CNMAT at 8pm in Berkeley, CA. The three artists will intersperse composed solo works with improvised trios – finding curious intersections between their individual sonic and performance practices.
Audio samples in which musicians at this event play:
Videos featuring musicians playing at this event
BREATHING is a movement from Carbon Song Cycle (a inter-media chamber work by composer/performer Pamela Z and visual artist Christina McPhee). The work was originally written for voice & electronics, bassoon, viola, cello, percussion, and tape. This is a solo version performed by the composer (with just voice, processing, and tape), recorded at a 3/13/2014 duo concert with Joan La Barbara as part of the 2014 ROOM Series. Pamela Z is using a gesture controller (designed and built by Donald Swearingen). © 2013 Last Letter Music (ASCAP)
Danishta Rivero