Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist Jameson Swanagon
Title The Torn Attachment
Label Bandcamp - -
Released On 8/22/2015
Listen and/or Purchase Listen and/or Purchase Here

"Creating music that is spacious, nuanced, sophisticated, and sonorous, Swanagon has found the perfect collaborator for his introspective but expansive music in Padouvas, whose rich, controlled, but expressively human playing takes the music to even deeper places. Documentation of this remarkable duo’s music can be found on their latest recording, The Torn Attachment (Unmentionable Music)." ~ Alex Cline, Open Gate Theatre Concert Series

"sparse but stirring and gorgeous album. The unpretentious arrangements and interplay between the two musicians is a wonder to behold." ~ Glen Starkey, San Luis Obispo New Times

"its quiet, its serene, but there's a lot going on" ~ Neal Losey, KCBX Radio

"beautifully limpid and well 'heard'" ~ John Schott

JAMESON SWANAGON, acoustic guitar, autoharp and harmonica.

Recorded by MARK ALLEN-PICCOLO at New, Improved Recording in Oakland, California on June 11, 2015.