Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist Kattt Atchley & Ron Heglin
Title DUO
Label Bandcamp - -
Released On 11/26/2019
Listen and/or Purchase Listen and/or Purchase Here

Our signature sound focuses on experimentation and the creation of imagined places through the use of invented language, melodies, multiple tunings, drones, and amplification. All of the tracks were recorded in the home where we have most often practiced over the past twenty years. Philip Perkins worked closely with us on the location recording and sound design. He placed a microphone close to each of us and in order to work with the home's resonances he placed a second mic pair high in the room and a third out in the hall/kitchen area. We later mixed the recordings from the close mics plus the room pair. The tracks on this CD are all from the same recording session, and presented in the same sequence as we performed them.

released November 26, 2019
Voice: Kattt Atchley and Ron Heglin
Recorded, edited and mixed: Philip Perkins
Recorded on location: January 16, 2018 in Berkeley, California